A form of complementary and alternative medicine based on the belief that a vital energy flows through the human body. The goal of energy therapy is to balance the energy flow in the patient. It is used to reduce stress and anxiety and promote well-being. Access Bars Therapy is a hands on energy healing process. It uses energy canters or bars which are located on the head, and unlocks them using gentle touch. There are 32 different energy center's on the head and once unlocked and released they flow down into the body. Health Benefits of Access Bars: -- greater mental clarity, motivation and problem solving capacity. -- significant increase is joy and happiness. -- improved manageability of depressive and anxious tendencies. -- decrease in interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts. -- deeper relaxation and non interrupted sleep. ($55)
A form of complementary and alternative medicine based on the belief that a vital energy flows through the human body. The goal of energy therapy is to balance the energy flow in the patient. It is used to reduce stress and anxiety and promote well-being. Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch. Reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy to your body, improving the flow and balance of your energy to support healing. Experience Reiki...For a Calmer, More Balanced Life. ($44)
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